3707 Brentwood Drive Austin, TX, 78704,
Current Bid $1,260,504
About Property
3707 Brentwood Drive, Austin, Texas, 78704,
3163 Valley Street
3163 Valley Street
- 3bed
- 1.5bath
- 1,040sqft1,040 square feet
- 0.26acre lot0.26 acre lot
3163 Valley Rd,
Mobile, AL 36605
Property Type
Year Built
Last Sold
$75K in 2009- $97
Price per sqft
- Property Type: Farmland
- Property Subtype(s): Residential Lot, Commercial Lot, Hunting Land, Cropland
- Total Acres: 680
- Dryland Acres: 225
- Irrigated Acres: 200
- Grass Acres: 25
- Pasture/Fenced Acres: 25
- CRP Acres: 30
- Timber Acres: 20
- Lot Acres: 30
- Balance/Other Acres: 80
- Asset Type: Land/Lots
- Broker Co-Op: Yes
- Terms Accepted: Owner Financing, Cash
- Ownership: Builder, Individual
- Possession: At Closing
- Lease Expiration: 2032-12-31T06:40:00Z
- Mineral Rights: Exposed Ceiling, Kitchen(s)
- Survey: Exposed Ceiling
- Water: Private Well, Rural Water
- Utilities: Green Features, Exposed Ceiling, Kitchen(s), Catwalk Platform
- Sewer: City Sewer
- Ponds: 10
- Wells: 10
Property Features
- Improvements: Mezzanine, Showroom, Elevator(s), Storage Room(s)
- Outbuildings: Barn(s), Garage(s), Multiple Outbuildings
- Other Features: Corrals, Creek(s), Pond(s), Waterfront
- Fence: Barbed Wire , Tensile, Electric, Cattle Tight, Good Condition, Fair Condition
- Irrigation System: High Tech, Modern
- Expires: 2022-03-24T06:44:00Z
- Road Frontage: Highway, City Street, Private Road
- Topography: Modern, LED Lighting, Sprinkler System, Automatic Lights
- Wildlife: Partitioned Rooms, Climate Controlled
- Fish: Kitchen(s), Catwalk Platform
- Zoning: Residential, Commercial, Agriculture, Industrial
- Property Taxes: $5,641
- Special Assessment Taxes: $5,600
- Tax Exemptions: Opportunity Zone
All belongs to owner
- No Document Found!
- Unpaid Principal Balance: $0.00
- Original Balance: $0.00
- Total Payoff: $0.00
- Payments Remaining: 0.00
- Interest Only Loan: No
- Principal and Interest Payment: $0.00
- Escrow/Impounds: $0.00
- Total Monthly Loan Payment: $0.00
- Accrued Late Charges: $0.00
- Hardest Hit Fund State: No
- Judicial State: No
- Non Judicial State: No