5818 Sw Smith Pl Topeka, KS, 66614,
Current Bid $5,000
About Property
5818 SW Smith Pl, Topeka, Kansas, 66614,
As is fixer upper in an amazing SW location! Nice fenced yard and large deck with gazebo. Beautiful woodwork throughout! Bring an offer and make this into your dream home in a fabulous neighborhood! This place has a ton of potential! Very motivated seller!
- Property Type: Homes
- Property Subtype(s): Country Home
- Beds: 11
- Baths: 11
- Square Footage: 2,011
- Year Built: 2024
- Asset Type: Residential
As is fixer upper in an amazing SW location! Nice fenced yard and large deck with gazebo. Beautiful woodwork throughout! Bring an offer and make this into your dream home in a fabulous neighborhood! This place has a ton of potential! Very motivated seller!
- No Document Found!
- Unpaid Principal Balance: $0.00
- Original Balance: $0.00
- Total Payoff: $0.00
- Payments Remaining: 0.00
- Interest Only Loan: No
- Principal and Interest Payment: $0.00
- Escrow/Impounds: $0.00
- Total Monthly Loan Payment: $0.00
- Accrued Late Charges: $0.00
- Hardest Hit Fund State: No
- Judicial State: No
- Non Judicial State: No