0000 Hwy 50a New York, NY, 10003
Current Bid $1,000
About Property
0000 Hwy 50A, New York, New York, 10003
Prime Location in Fernley with 365+ ft frontage on Hwy 50A. Close to planned expanion of Nevada Pacific Pkwy to I-80 Access. Opportunity for industrial/retail flex, truck services. Potential for multi-family, senior housing, neighborhood casino, RV/Self Storage, commercial, retail. 5 minutes to Fernley shopping hub. 25 minutes to Tahoe Reno Industrial Center Employers. Seller financing available to qualified Buyer. Adjaccent 10 acres for sale.
- Property Type: Farmland
- Property Subtype(s): Tear Down
- Total Acres: 3.89
- Asset Type: Land/Lots
Property Features
- Annual Payment: 0
- County: Lyon
- No Document Found!
- Unpaid Principal Balance: $0.00
- Original Balance: $0.00
- Total Payoff: $0.00
- Payments Remaining: 0.00
- Interest Rate: 0.00
- Interest Only Loan: No
- Principal and Interest Payment: $0.00
- Escrow/Impounds: $0.00
- Total Monthly Loan Payment: $0.00
- Accrued Late Charges: $0.00
- Hardest Hit Fund State: No
- Judicial State: No
- Non Judicial State: No